The Rosary has been associated with numerous miraculous events throughout history, including the survival of eight Jesuit priests in the bombing of Hirosima and the liberation of Austria. Pray the Rosary and experience the timeless beauty and profound events of the Christian faith.
During many of Her apparitions, from Lourdes to Fatima to Akita, Our Lady has continuosly asked her children to pray the Rosary every day. The powerful prayer has granted intercession of the Blessed Mother that helped achieve great victories, such as the Battle of Le Panto, where after the pope declared Rosary crusade, the Christian army force crushed that of the Ottoman empire despite being outnumber three times. 800 years of prayer tradition offers timeless beauty of Christian story, unfolding bead by bead, revealing the most profound events from lives of Our Saviour Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary.
However, the prayer of the Holy Rosary has been critical in the last hundred years, with two world wars, rise of deadly ideologies and deaths of innocent people unparalleled in world history since ancient times. Our Lady foretold the horrors of 20th century during her apparitions in Fatima in 1917, where she warned about errors of Russia spreading all over the world had her requests not been fulfilled. One of them – to pray the Rosary every day as reparation for sins against Our Lord and Our Lady.
Heaven graced a few instances of consolation for those who lived the message of Fatima throughout the darkest moments of the past century.
Bombing of Hirosima
Eight Jesuit Priests survived nuclear bombing of Hirosima, while staying almost at the hypocenter of it, less than a mile from detonation site. After the miraculous event, the survivors shared that they had been praying the rosary every day and attributed the miracle to Our Lady, who interceded for them in order to save them not only from initial impact of the bombing but also long term health effects. With around 200 medical exams, scientists could not detect a natural cause for the lack injury after the nuclear impact that flattened everything in its way, except the little rectory with eight priests praying in it.
Futhermore, all of the survivors lived to old age and the last of them died 37 years after the event.
Occupation and of Austria
In 1945 Austria had four invader armies in its territory: Britain, Russia, France and the United States.
Fr. Petrus Pavlicek who was a capucin priest, prayed for liberation of Austria from foreigh invasions. He remembered the great victory of le Panto where through intercesion from Our Lord and Our Lady in the crusade of the Holy Rosary, the Christian Army beat Ottoman Empire that threatened Christendom for many years. Three years into the invasion, Fr. Petrus began the ‘Crusade of Reparation of the Holy Rosary’ through the intercession of Our Lady of Fatima. He asked as many people as possible to pledge to pray the rosary every day, in fact his goal was to get 10% of Austria’s population to join the Holy Rosary crusade. With Holy Mass and Rosary processions on the side, Fr. Petrus gained such numerous participation that it was decided to have an annual rosary procession in Vienna to give thanks to city’s famous victory against the turks during the siege of Vienna in 1682.
10 years into the invasion, the four nations miraculously decided to withdraw from Vienna without firing a single shot. Our Lady miraculously interceded for her children in the negotiation that favoured occupied Austria with no compromise requested by the invaders. Following the histories of neighbour countries, which had fallen under Soviet or Nazi occupation for many decades thereafer, Austrian liberation sounds even more miraculous.
Pope Francis’ concecration of Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Almost hundred years after Our Lady first asked the pope with all the bishops of the world to concecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart, the consecration took place in the wake of Russian invasion of Ukraine. Many have prayed for this consecration to take place as soon as possible and since the first day of war in Ukraine, people all over the world began to gather for daily Rosary prayer in churches and homes, in small groups and large crows. The power of the Holy Rosary was once again evident in the fact that consecration that many popes were struggling to make for almost a century, took place a month after the war began.
The act of consecration that took place on March 23 worldwide, certainly is the key moment in the 21st century that reminds us of Our Lady’s promise that in the end, Her Immaculate Heart will triumph, even though by this day it is evident that due to earlier popes’ delay in consecration of Russia for many decades, her errors rippled throughout the world and caused millions of deaths of innocent people.
We are prayerfully hoping to see the ceasing of war and conversion of Russia within in nearest future and continue to pray the rosary every day, asking you to join and ask Our Lady to intercede in order for it to happen very soon.