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Why Theotokos

The idea behind it
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,,IF ANYONE DOES NOT CONFESS THAT GOD IS TRULY EMMANUEL, AND THAT ON THIS ACCOUNT THE HOLY VIRGIN IS THE “THEOTOKOS” (for according to the flesh she gave birth to the word of God become flesh by birth) let him be anathema.”

(The Council of
Ephesus, 431 AD)
,,If anyone does not confess that God is truly Emmanuel, and that on this account the holy virgin is the “Theotokos”

(for according to the flesh she gave birth to the word of God become flesh by birth)

let him be anathema.”

(The Council of Ephesus, 431 AD)

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why theotokos 1

,,If anyone does not confess that God is truly Emmanuel, and that on this account the holy virgin is the “Theotokos” (for according to the flesh she gave birth to the word of God become flesh by birth) let him be anathema.”

(The Council of Ephesus, 431 AD)
THEOTOKOS ( greek: God Bearer, The Mother of God) is one of the earliest titles of the Blessed Virgin Mary as well as an ancient Catholic dogma with Christ at its center.
In resistance to Nestorian heresy that denied Christ’s dual nature, the Catholic Church declared that Jesus Christ is fully man and fully God with both of His natures – divine and human, united in His One person and therefore Mary is the Mother of God.
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THEOTOKOS ( greek: God Bearer, The Mother of God) is one of the earliest titles of the Blessed Virgin Mary as well as an ancient Catholic dogma with Christ at its center.
In resistance to Nestorian heresy that denied Christ’s dual nature, the Catholic Church declared that Jesus Christ is fully man and fully God with both of His natures – divine and human, united in His One person and therefore Mary is the Mother of God.
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THEOTOKOS ( greek: God Bearer, The Mother of God) is one of the earliest titles of the Blessed Virgin Mary as well as an ancient Catholic dogma with Christ at its center.
In resistance to Nestorian heresy that denied Christ’s dual nature, the Catholic Church declared that Jesus Christ is fully man and fully God with both of His natures – divine and human, united in His One person and therefore Mary is the Mother of God.
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Sacred Saint Peter Rosary
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Why Theotokos?

Aside from our growing devotion to the Blessed Mother, we love the connection between the title ,,God bearer“ and the prayer of the rosary which bears within itself the beauty of Christ‘s incarnation, death and resurrection.

Just as through Mary we received our Lord Jesus Christ, so through Mary we received the Holy rosary and through the Rosary, a closer relationship to God. The name connects the timeless tradition and contemporary call for mysticism.

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Why Theotokos?

Aside from our growing devotion to the Blessed Mother, we love the connection between the title ,,God bearer“ and the prayer of the rosary which bears within itself the beauty of Christ‘s incarnation, death and resurrection. Just as through Mary we received our Lord Jesus Christ, so through Mary we received the Holy rosary and through the Rosary, a closer relationship to God. The name connects the timeless tradition and contemporary call for mysticism.
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